Monday, October 11, 2010


According to the AP story, "American economists in the buzz for Nobel:"
STOCKHOLM – Research into market behavior and the psychology of decision-making could be awarded the Nobel prize for economics on Monday and improve the weak U.S. representation among this year's Nobel laureates.

Betting agency Ladbrokes says American behavioral economists Richard Thaler at the University of Chicago and Robert Shiller of Yale University are the top bets for this year's award.

I like that their first source is a betting agency who reported which economists were their biggest bets. Nobel economists being chosen by a betting agency, and an economy run through boom and bust on bets. The economists probably also relied on fMRI studies of risk behavior to base their theories. A popular tool to study risk behavior is a 4-deck choice game where the participant needs to discover and chose from the winning deck--classic betting behavior. Reflexivity at its finest.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I am not a vampire.

I am not a vampire. I am a fool.

I talk your ear off.

I can't dance.

I am not that pretty.

I am afraid to express myself. I can only act.

My act has two parts. First I meet you. Then I expend your last shred of patience.

I violate my own stage. Watch out. I'll violate yours.

Vampires are undead.

You wish I was dead.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I am a vampire

I am a vampire.

I say this because I prey on people. I prey upon emotions. I look for that soft spot and I plunge in my fangs. I stare intensely at people. I try very hard to charm women on the dance floor. I touch them oh so lightly. And they all fight back. Their friends fight back. They call me names to try to discourage me. They point out and paint features of my body as grotesque. I roll with it. After all, I'm a vampire. Vampires don't have feelings for the hurting. I prowl all night long in search of fresh blood.

Blood in this case isn't that human connective tissue specialized for transporting oxygen and nutrients to various parts of the body. No. Blood in this case is experience. I slurp up experiences. Last night I met and danced briefly with a girl who lost her boyfriend/husband in a car accident. I touched her arm where she had been sewn up. The puncture points of the staples or thread and the long slit indicate that she was splayed open to have her bone fixed probably. Her friends were like pack wolves, simultaneously nipping at my heels and corralling her away from me. They were protecting her. I was the threat. That's why I'm the vampire. I swoop in with an intense stare and a pocket full of charm and try like hell to impress. It's a lot of fun being a vampire. There is so much pain in the world. It's like a drug when I milk it and feed on it.