Friday, January 27, 2017

The space entity that we worship

The source of religion on our planet is brought by a space entity that rests maggot-like on our moon. Any notion of heaven, hell, eternity, sin comes from its telepathic powers. In doing this, it feasts upon our souls. That is, any notion of an afterlife was either created or co-opted by the entity such that we prepare the fabric of our neural activity to produce specific psychic 'nectars' upon which the space entity feeds. The consequence of this harvest both enslaves us to power worship ideologies and provides us with brief access to an afterlife as the process gives birth to a 'soul' that is consumed as sustenance by the space entity resting maggot-like on the dark face of the moon.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Trump's Twitter

When Trump sentences you, he does it with Twitter.
When Trump sentences you, stocks dive or soar.
When Trump sentences you, "winning" and "losing" take place.
When Trump sentences you, you're on TV.
When Trump sentences you, you may have eaten a steak that you bought at the mall.
When Trump sentences you, you live a dream by destroying your reality.
When Trump sentences you, trees fall, walls are built, and the land is possessed.
When Trump sentences you, lawyers are contacted.
When Trump sentences you, it resembles a drive-by upon your public image.
Because. Because why? Yes, because. 
When Trump sentences you, he does it with Twitter.