Sunday, July 2, 2023

Man and machine in the process of totalization

"Determination of the present by the future, oscillation between the inert and the organic, negation, transcended contradictions, negation of the negation--in short, developing totalisation; these are the moments of any form of labour, until--at a dialectical level that we have yet to consider--society develops the division of labour to the point of the specialisation of machines. The process is then inverted: the semi-automatic machine defines its environment and constructs its man, so that the inorganic comes to be characterised by a false but effective interiority, and the organic by exteriority. Man becomes the machine's machine; and to himself he is his own exteriority. But in all other cases, the dialectic appears as the logic of labour." (p. 91)

From Jean Paul Sartre's "The Critique of Dialectical Reason Volume 1"