Friday, May 17, 2024

failed big picture e-mail

Imagine your life as this three dimensional volume of the universe being continuously 'redrawn' along a projected surface that by our observation resembles a coil, because our body—that parapet of observationis ​perched upon a planetary body orbiting a star, which itself is orbiting about a gravitational axis within the solar system, which also orbits some intergalactic gravitational axis. All this spinning and orbiting while careening  ever forward through space and time, occurs as we, mere creatures, emerge from a pluripotent cell, rapidly divide, mature, and senesce. Our experience of time through our lives as a birth, maturation, death cycle reveals how our placement within numerous nested orbits flavors our existence. It's as if our place within the universe as a point, a point, continuously unfolding in space and time is due to the vast digits of Pi that all these nested orbits have calculated 'for ever.' We are, first, a certain point within an ocean of unfolding orbital calculations. That's the seat of gnosis, or more aptly it's both gnosis and the seat. Because at the center of the universe is us, our certainty, emerging as the music of a harp plucked by affinity. Second, being this point tracing an uncertain line plotted by the grandiose movement of all these orbits, like gears in a clock, establishes us as the occult door open between frequency realms and space-time realms. 

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