Reality boils down to an inordinate amount of wave forms.
No, that's it. We all know this. Eminent scientists past and present know this. That -stein, this -berg, there - dinger. Many pounds of chalk on many more pounds of slate working out equations in classrooms on campuses in states near the crashing of the sea waves, waves, as far as I can see. Goodbye wave. Wave goodbye. Oscillations low and high.
Trust me. I'm heading somewhere. It's just over that hill.
Light is waves. Sound is waves. Matter is atoms is fundamental particles is waves. Reality is waves.
Let's begin.
Behind the surface, the membrane, the interface, the--whatever analogy you prefer--of our three dimensional universe are countless geometrically perfect circles rolling along according to conditions I haven't bullshitted into existence in a polydimensional plane of the larger universe, which unfolds into our three-dimensional reality-based universe through a zero-point contact within our universe. Silently rolling away in directions inconceivable to us these circles define reality.
Our experience is waves. We experience highs, sometimes lows. We think of most things in terms of their relationship oppositional experiences. White is not all the other colors, but it most certainly is not black. Silence is not noise is maybe just some imperceptible wave. There I saw her. I asked her out. She didn't respond. She stood there, drunk, waving. 'Hi!' she said, always flanked by one or two people. Where am I on this wave? I'm gonna crash. There's more to come I'm sure. It's just a flurry of waves. I need to consult the circles tracing the waves of my existence.
Each circle is a nearly infinite number of points, but each has enough points to trace out a circle, which, in turn, rolls along a path that each point traces into the reality of so many things in our universe.
I'll come back to this. My brain is hurting. Thinking makes me tired sometimes. My focus is draining. I'm old and unfortunately I'm waving good bye more than hello.
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