When Kylie was 13, her parents took her on a hike in Lake Tahoe, Calif. "We discussed what it means to be a teenager in today's world," she says. They gave her a charm for her bracelet--a lock in the shape of a heart. Her father has the key. "On my wedding day, he'll give it to my husband," she explains. "It's a symbol of my father giving up the covering of my heart, protecting me, since it means my husband is now the protector. He becomes like the shield to my heart, to love me as I'm supposed to be loved."
Toss this salad with psychoanalytic vinaigrette.
Something looks amiss in this picture. A father's love pushed to violent self-ownership. That's the point. While they call themselves the promise keepers, these fathers are the ones who get to decide when and where their daughters get fucked for the first time. That's symbolic rape to me.
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